Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Friends Till Jannah

Friends are like onions, add taste to your life but if u try to cut it,
u get nothing but drop of tears.
True friend is the one who can simply talk with u bout Allah,
bout our native deen,Islam most of times.
Yup,Islam is our lifestyle not just a religion neither a belief.
They correct u when u went wrong,
they guide u when u're going astray,
they remind u of Allah when u almost forget Him,
they dare to touch ur heart even its door seems like shut,
they ask nothing in reply for loving u except Allah's blessing.

p/s: najaaaaat,apa cer kat NZ sana? tenet mandom, x mampu nk bukak fb apatah lg skype :(

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The sweetness in every smiles,
the tranquility while staring at His starry sky,
the happiness in family crowd,
the freely flying flocks of birds,
the miracles in every inches of His creatures,
i wish i could capture all these.
i reckon i'm not being demanding for asking for a DSLR,
from my own allowance.
I'm a camera freak since i was small.
Shahira won't deny this as she still remembers the moment we were on the way
down from Bukit Bendera, i kept asking for her film camera.
"Shra,nk ambik gambaq pokok tu, shra,nk ambik gambaq bunga 2,
shra,nk kamera sat, shra, nk lagiiii...!"
And as a dainty innocent girl she just mumbled silently.
The will(to get a DSLR) got stronger and more determined as one by one of
my friends own one and they're good+cool  in it!
Khadijah's good in capturing food stuff which makes u promptly lick ur lips
in case u see her shot.
Shahira did well in family's shot!
Wani(maktab),i've never seen her pics since we haven't met up for quite long period.
Ipe's a pro in capturing wonderful sceneries as u'll be wishing u're there.
I knew Bos got one but i'm not sure he's focusing on what kinda shot.
BTW, i've to pick one field up.hehe.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dangerous Comfort Zone

i'm sick of surrounded by low-minded people who keep talking bout
silly gossips instead of improvement in themselve,
problem with their buayafriend instead of lovely family they had,
make-up to transform into doll faced instead of covering aurat,
becoming an item instead of marriage,
adored by blokes instead of His true Love,
spreading slanders instead of dakwah,
blaming lecturers for what they didn't get instead of work smarter and harder.
i'm tired enough to adapt with this dangerous comfort zone,
a danger to my faith,
a danger to my remembrance of Allah also the prophet s.a.w,
a danger to my love towards my family,
a danger to my optimistic mind indeed!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious.

By hook or by crook,
Jesus a.s and Imam Mahadi will come to save the world.
But,do u think u can be wif them to strike for ad-deen,Islam, 
fight against dajjal n his numerous followers n load of really-really-real  slanders
provided that ur performance of prays could not even reach 5 times daily,
uttering limited zikrullah per day,
having secularism view towards Islam n being a musleem,
forgetting our very last destination,
hardly reaching for noble Quran n hadiths,
seldom practising Muhammad the Messenger's routines,
and could not obey even ur own parents?
Could u really confirm dat u won't go astray from dis straight
but narrow n full of pains also sacfices path?

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Wie kann ich Ihnen vergessen?
Eigentlich kann ich nicht.
Ich komme zu Ihnen im Zukunft, insyaAllah!

Mak,ayah, berjuta maaf!

 Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Ak manusia,mudah lupa,sungguh!
Ak rasa,ak x penah jd anak yg baik,taat pd mak ayah.
Asyik memberontak,melawan.
sapa yg sgt2 risau bila ak sakit w'pun terluka kena pisau walau secoet,
sapa yg sanggup x tidoq malam utk pastikan ak x dgigit nyamuk,
sapa yg sanggup berpanas berpeluh d dapur berjam-jam semata-mata utk kenyangkan perut ak,
kalau bukan mak.
Sapa yg selalu kupaskan kulit buah n suapkan dlm mulut ni,
sapa yg badan semakin kurus,tulang bunyi berdetak-detak, kulit makin gelap
sbb buat kerja keras sejak puluhan tahun dulu utk besaqkan ak,
kalau bukan ayah.
Sapa yg sentiasa bersedia dengaq ak berceloteh, kira butiran air mata ak kalau bukan mak ayah!

Soul Partner

In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious.

I'm stronger in surface, not all the through.
I've never been perfect, need to have u.
-Please grant me the exact one at the exact time, o Allah.
I dare not to use try-an-error method since my heart ( i mean, Your given heart in this chest)
is brittle enough.