Tuesday, December 31, 2013


a hawk is such a wonderful creation of Allah.

it is not only a fearful prey who aims accurately and very sharp in vision, not just succeed most of the time in their missions but their love story impressed me much! credit to atun,the story teller.hehe.

a hawk chooses their spouse who can fly as high and as fast as him. he will leave behind the slower one and go ahead with his searching till he finds his most ideal mate.

Qur'an 30:21
And among His signs is that He creates for you spouses out of your own kind, so that you might incline towards them, and
He engenders love and tenderness between you. In this there are clear signs indeed for people who think.

then they'll get married by hooking on each other and spinning together for a moment. they are faithful to each other till the last breath.

but then, we human being who Allah bestowed with mind and heart sometimes failed to honor the value of love as even a hawk, an animal!

melted by beautiful words of a pack of lies and superficial look,
sacrifice own dignity just for a lusty desire,
betray the purity of love.

Qur'an 24:26
Corrupt women are for corrupt men, and corrupt men for corrupt women, just as good women are for good men, and good men for good women. These are innocent of all that people may impute
to them. Forgiveness and excellent sustenance are in store for them.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


kalau nak kahwin sebab ramai kawan2 sebaya dah ramai kahwin, 
lupakan dulu niat tu.

kalau kahwin setakat nak menghalalkan yang haram,
baik fikir sepuluh atau dua puluh kali semula.

kalau kahwin sebab sunyi,
pertimbangkan sekali lagi.

perkahwinan itu gedung pahala tapi penuh dengan ujian.
yalah, kalau tak uji mana nak tau sedalam mana centa, 

sekukuh mana kasih, setinngi mana sayang kan. ecehceh.

dan, bila ujian bertimpa merudum,
berapa ramai dapat bertahan berbanding yang jatuh tersungkur,
berapa ramai yang maintain cooool daripada yang goyah kiri kanan?
*kira sendiri*

bukan nak bajet pandai banyak pengalaman plus matang, 

cuma nak ajak sama2 ramai2 berfikir dan muhasabah.

tepi jalan, semoga Allah redha kepada setiap pengantin baru, lama mahupun bakal:)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

sometimes beginning aren't so simple
sometimes goodbye's the only way.

-Shadow of the Day, LP.

Allahu Robbi.
i did ponder
i did reflect
no answer.

talking about what arr tengah2 malam ni cik anis izzati?
emosi dan hati terganggu,
yang amat.


moments of redemption should it be,

to redeem the grovelling self who is kept haunting,
to redeem the lost goodness that wandered nowhere to,
to redeem the unseen reward which is promised,
to redeem the murmured blatant truth.

is to redeem,
from Him.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Pernah rasa rindu pada diri yang dulu?

Diri yang berani,
tak pernah mengalah.
Diri yang bercita-cita tinggi,
tak pernah berhenti.
Diri yang penuh cinta dan kasih,
tak perlu menagih.
Diri yang sentiasa merenung
bukan sekadar termenung.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Turning back on

step back as silent as you could,
release it and relief ,
do nothing but pray and ask from Him.

don't drown in hopelessness.

Allah is hearing,
Allah is seeing,
Allah is knowing.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


meningkatkan jumlah pengambilan kopi membuktikan bahawa semester ini merupakan semester yang mencabar.
lebih tinggi jumlah pengambilan kopi, lebih kurang masa tidur.
sebelum tutup mata berhadap laporan,
buka mata pun nampak laporan (yang belum siap) dulu.
bleaaaagh...what a boring life...

antara banyak2 laporan ni,
berapa banyak sahaja akan Allah ambil kira sebagai ibadah?

tepuk dada, tanya kesibukan anda.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Letting go

It will flow fluently,
tacitly and less hurting,
worry not, 
the pain won't stay.

By Allah,
the next day will become as light as you lifted nothing,
the upcoming ambient will be as refreshing as you sucked nothing.

By Allah,
you will be okay.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Words not Spoken

my words seem lock up inside,
 they collide vigorously since then.

my words become unrevealed,
 and they are somehow hurting.

unspoken,fading away.
 but then become uglier.

Monday, October 21, 2013

prioritize the priority.
optimize the opportunity.
seize the chance.
you'll be success.
in shaa Allah,
He promises.

just do your part,
He'll settle the rest.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


ak nak terbang tinggi,
setinggi dulu.
dulu ak pernah terbang tinggi.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

no matter how
broken you are,
darken and spoiled,
lost and revealed,
tore apart,
The Almighty can surely heal you up in a blink of eyes,
beg Him.
He, The One who cures.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Allahu Robbi

to turn from one place to the next,
from a person to the another is somehow tiring and may be hurting.
therefore, turn only to The Oneness.
you need not to turn here and there and lost over again.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

love is a verb.
no wonder the feeling is easily fading away, so quick.
it's just a desire, not love.
it's just an emotional reaction,
not even a rational deed.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

kera dapat bunga

mungkin aku belum layak,
sebab tak reti berterima kasih pada Pemberinya.
macam kera dapat bunga.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


larilah sejauhnya selagi kaumampu.
larilah hingga kautemuinya kembali.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


i miss hadek2 usrah which have been scattered all around malaysia, so much.
their smile, their commitment and
to sip the coolness of His merciful through the same ambient.
you know that feeling, the tranquility, the vibrant awareness...
Allahu Allah :'(

since then seems like Allah knows me well.
here got a-level juniors newly registered and by Allah's will,
we've grab them to join usrah!
yesterday was our first halaqah and yeah,
i got the excitement over again!
me now can breath in the feeling of recharged, refreshed and refilled, subhanallah!
to realize the complementary is such a blessing :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Ramadhan 2013

Ramadhan kali ni berbeza.
bukan sebab dari seorang jadi berdua tapi dari ramai jadi sorang!
what a lonely me, serious.
sebab dok sorang dalam bilik yang sepatutnya tiga.
sahur sorang.
berbuka sorang.
tarawih barulah jumpa manusia.
lagi satu bezanya, Ramadhan kali ni redup dan hujan! =)
bukan ka maksud Ramadhan itu panas terik?
tepi jalan, *baca : btw* Allah boleh ubah apa saja.
hujan + Ramadhan = doa 2x termakbul , bi iznidnillah!
gua centa Ramadhan.

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Allahu robbi...

there are plenty of matters sadden me much lately.
syria's and egypt's are the most.
there are times to put feet back on the ground
and depend on Him up there totally.
just totally hoping.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


i am determined.
errr. perhaps attempting to be determined.
bi idznillah.
o Allah,
enlighten my heart,
ease my way,
guide me through.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


- bagaimana kamu tiba di sini?

# Tanggungjawab menghantarku ke sini.

- mana mungkin dia mampu menghantar kamu sejauh ini!

# oh,lupa. bersamaku ada Cinta.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Ibrahim a.s. had to slaughter his own child,
Nuh a.s's belief was denied by his spouse,
Yusuf a.s betrayed by his flesh and blood,
Muhammad s.a.w. opposed by his own numerous family members.

they endured such a huge ordeals,
they faced the pain,
they went through horrible accusations.

but do these mean Allah hates them?
wrath on them?

it's just because Allah loves them so much.
Allah wants His beloved yearn for Him alone,
depend on Him alone,
put trust on Him alone,
hope for Him alone,
rely on Him alone.
such a beauty Lover,
Allah is. :')

this is me to be honest

i rebel,
i weep,
i hurt others,
i am selfish most of the time,
i forgot others,
i troubled people around,
a lot.

i am bad,
really bad.

 do forgive me.

i attempted,
i fought,
i struggled,
so hard for a-better-me,

do forgive me,
again and again.

do correct me continually for i am weak and fragile.


those who are still not marry yet mostly so ecstatic seeing newly-wed including me. eheh.

they(newly-wed) seems like blooming in a springtime,
colorful and wondrously amazed,
completing and appreciating each other,
and sometimes we feel envy rite?

 to be continue...

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


searching and having a spouse seems like a super crucial matter for youngster nowadays.

some found theirs by a blessed way,
they followed the guidance restricted in Islam,
asking refudge from Allah all the time,
never crossed the boundary line,
may Allah guides such partners till jannah.

but some are not.
they knew the do-and-don't-things but lusty desire won over them.
i am interested not in explaining further about such couples.
let's just pray for Allah will show them the right way,
in shaa Allah.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

i once fell in love,
 i reckon it's true love ever.
i blinded not,
 really did awakened by.
it's such a deepest,
 wondrous feeling.
i bet it'll be forever till hereafter.
i did not just believe,
 i trust indeed.

but then,
 i know not where on earth the love is at this moment.

i currently, completely frustrated with people,
hopeless totally.
either that on buddies, acquaintances and even my very own flesh and blood.
but perhaps it's my own fault.

Qur'an, 112;2

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

bachelor tech. of mechi-auto

ketidakcemerlangan di semester 1 boleh dimaafkan memandangkan masih blur dan tak pandai target.

Alhamdulillah semester 2 amat memberansangkan,
senyum meleret sampai telinga lepas check result kat advisor walaupun penat main pingpong x hilang lagi.

tapi panas x sampai ke petang.
result semester 3 agak merudum hasil kemalasan yang tiada tara.

semester 4?
harapan masih terbentang luas!
smile and go!
jom2 study kerana Allah!

Friday, April 19, 2013


Maha Suci Allah dari 'sengaja' mengizinkan hati mana-mana manusia terluka tanpa sebarang hikmah mahupun penawarnya.
Maha Suci Dia dari menjadikan semua ini sia-sia.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

you may feel 'nothing' till down to earth,
you may be weakened,
you may be lost and unseen,
but then,
start again.
from beginning,
from the bottom,
from zero perhaps,
Allah will be always waiting.

Quran, 2;186

" If My servants ask you about Me, well, I am near ; I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls to Me. Let them then respond to me, and believe in Me, so that they may follow the right way."

Monday, April 1, 2013

burning in a fiery sins,
drowning in an anxiety of guilt,
am i?

Monday, March 25, 2013


tatau kenapa semester ni  ak rasa sangat sebok
tapi banyak ja kerja x siap, bertimbun dan dijeruk... T_T
nak marah diri sendiri yang serabut,
x pandai urus masa+emosi pun x guna.
bila nak berubah?
huh, mengeluh lagi! = ='

The determination must be cleared, anis izzati!

Bukan melawan 
cuma terkilan.
Minta ruang bukan secara melulu
tapi untuk membantu.

Kalau tujuan itu satu,
Kenapa masih jumud membatu?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

to those who attempt to refrain our path,
just remember that the day of judgement is truly true.
we'll be congregate in front of The All-Knowing.

Monday, March 4, 2013


Quran, Ar Rahman ;
"Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah mahu kamu dustakan?'

soalan retorik dari Sang Pencipta, rasa tamparannya? :)
mak ayah x berapa sihat.
pernah aku tepikir, selama ni Allah bagi aku nikmat yang sangat indah-mak ayah!
dan aku juga terpikir, sampai bila Dia akan pinjamkan?
dan hati pulak menjawab, sampai bila-bila yang Dia suka.
milik Dia, aku sebagai hamba x layak pun untuk persoalkan.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

to admit that Allah The Most Merciful owns everyone's hearts is a real freedom.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

tears of fear of Allah are gracious,
shed them with wondrous faith.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

cinta bermusim

mungkin kadang kala cinta itu berguguran
tapi tak, takkan gugur seluruhnya.

ada masanya cinta itu semakin membeku
tapi aku sentiasa cuba menghangatkannya kembali.

cinta yg bermekaran indah itu,
aku pernah merasainya dan berharap akan terus menikmatinya.

kecerahan dan kehangatan cinta itu
yg berteduh di hati ini takkan terpadam oleh badai.

ya Rasulullah,
cinta ini
walau bermusim,
ketahuilah bahawa aku merinduimu!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah!
yersterday ISK is such a blessing!
subhan Allah, glory to Allah!
i just can't stop thanking Him! T_T

i am feeling very awesome for having ISK in UniKL MSI,
it's just too awesome!
ok where should i start? haha.
for being honest, our preparation is not something to be proud of.
just attending 2-3 times meeting and then start everything up.
in the morning, there's a little chaos as pa system not functioning well and the speaker got late for reason.
alhamdulillah we showed Video Osem APG to them and they seems touched and enjoyed.
the flow became fluent as the speaker arrived as he is one of the best speaker i bet.
the acceptance of all participators impressed me as most of them knew too little about dakwah and tarbiyyah but then they still attended the 2nd session while they got chance to escape.
it's Allah tighten their heart :)
may Allah keep us on the track which He pleasures the most till the last,

Friday, January 18, 2013

orientation community

i'm such a person who interested not in befriend with those famous amos, e.g. JPM.
what for, by the way.
to become an OC, i've my very own aim.
but then working together with JPM team is great!
it's the best team ever.
Amirul teased me a lot but who cares?
Umar taught me a lot, thanks.
Kak Imah is a loving sister anyhow.
Atikah who i didn't like before is an easy-going actually, my bad!
i did learn and enjoy.
i somehow grow up.

Friday, January 4, 2013

He, the Most Oneness

it's okay to make mistake but do realise.
it's fine to do wrong but do learn.
He will never turn His back to you.
He will never ignore you.
He will never leave you.
Trust Him.

Keep faith on Him.