it's the battle of heart.
you can love but on the right path,
with the right way,
with pure intention.
you must be prepared always,
but just neglect your bad thoughts.
sorrow may filled you up but it does not mean Allah's torturing you,
He just want you to become nearer to Him!
Quran 2 : 186
Dan apabila hamba2 Ku bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat. Aku kabulkan doa orang yg berdoa , apabila dia berdoa kepadaKu. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (perintah) Ku dan beriman kepada Ku agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran.
you can love but on the right path,
with the right way,
with pure intention.
you must be prepared always,
but just neglect your bad thoughts.
sorrow may filled you up but it does not mean Allah's torturing you,
He just want you to become nearer to Him!
Quran 2 : 186
Dan apabila hamba2 Ku bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat. Aku kabulkan doa orang yg berdoa , apabila dia berdoa kepadaKu. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (perintah) Ku dan beriman kepada Ku agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran.
Absolutely true!