Monday, June 25, 2012

it's the battle of heart.
you can love but on the right path,
with the right way,
with pure intention.
you must be prepared always,
but just neglect your bad thoughts.
sorrow may filled you up but it does not mean Allah's torturing you,
He just want you to become nearer to Him!

Quran 2 : 186
Dan apabila hamba2 Ku bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat. Aku kabulkan doa orang yg berdoa , apabila dia berdoa kepadaKu. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (perintah) Ku dan beriman kepada Ku agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

kapten lagi!

camna org bleh perasan ak takut *sikitla* ngan kapten?
bukan takut sebenanya,geram!
ak gelak x bleh,dia ngan yg len gelak takpa ja.
takpa anis,bertahan!
minggu ni ja tinggal utk berhadap ngan dia.
Du kannst es machen,
ich vertraue dich! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ping Pong.

awal2 belajaq dulu mg besh tambah plak bila men ngan kawan2 yg tadak skills pon.
blehla ak bajet poyo+terer ckit.haha.
skang ni bila suma senior sekali ngan kapten turun mai ajaq ak,
gelabah gila kot!
chop pon x lepas lg, kena belajaq counter smash plak.
dh bleh counter smash, dia bagi bola slow plak.
"game nanti x bleh mintak bola laju atau perlahan eh dari lawan",
"skang blehla gelak2 lagi,nanti masa game, sekeliling ni penuh orang",
kata kapten dgn senyuman sindirnya.
gila nervous habaq hang,
nk kontrol bola serius susah,
cam nk kontrol hati yg selalu berbolak - balik ini.  T_T
gila kagum ar dgn depa yg bleh kontrol bola,
selalunya lelaki la.
pesan kapten,
-tutup sikit angle,kalo bukak bola lambung atas.
-tutup sikit lagi angle tuh.
-mesti hayun satu tangan,bukan separuh ja.
-bet mesti atas dari meja.
-jgn lari jauh sangat dari meja,jarak satu bet saja.
-tangan mesti ready sentiasa,jgn letak bawah.
-kepit ketiak dgn satu genggam penumbuk.
-jangan termenung
yg paling x bleh blah,

by Allah's will!

i dun hurt my own feeling easily,man,
for i never fall over a guy easily, by Allah's will!
trusting too much,
deadly hoping,
keep on waiting like a dumb,
became blinded by my own watery dreams,
that will NEVER happen again,

Allah's love!

it's hurting and hard to voice this out.
indeed, a worldly love is really a mistake.
the best is only Allah's love <3
i deadly believe that when a man stared at a woman,
as she is a woman.
not because u are pretty or sweet or gorgeous like a damn or what,
but it's naturally occur.
it's a nature when a man feel attracted to stare or to catch a glimpse
at a woman.
that's why Allah sent down to us this verse as His reminder,
Allah the All-Knowing :)

Quran 24 : 30
Katakanlah kepada lelaki yg beriman, agar mereka menjaga pandangannya,
dan memelihara kemaluannya ; yang demikian itu lebih suci bagi mereka.
Sungguh Allah mengetahui apa yang mereka perbuat.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Arrivals vs The Matrix

In The Arrivals, I reckon it is the series to wake us ( musleems ) up,
revealed about message in The Matrix movie.
I dun get it much actually, both The Arrivals and The Matrix.
But what can I see and understood from them,
how small amount it is to support the truth, the choosens.
No turning back to conquer the victory.
You regret, you'll destroy.
You stop, you'l die.
You fight, means that you are one of the choosens!

p/s : please do correct me if i'm wrong.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nancy Shehata

I read a lot on Nancy Shehata's.
Great to know her though through her writing alone.

My Sisters

There's a sweet feeling possesing me in
to see adik2 usrah circle-ing around readily to start our halaqah,
to witness their excitement when bringing something with,
to share something with them who want it.
It's a great Refreshing our Imaan session,sis :)