Saturday, November 24, 2012

wahai hati

wahai hati,
jangan kau curang dengan Illahi.
pernah dulu kau mengakui,
"bahkan, Kaulah Tuhan kami."

wahai hati,
jangan kau biar dilukai lagi.
lupakah kau pada sakitnya tak terperi?

wahai hati,
yakinlah akan cinta-Nya yang abadi.
bertautlah pada cinta rasul-Nya yang suci.

wahai hati,
jangan kau bermimpi lagi.
hidup ini harus kau lalui
kerna ia jambatan ke syurga Illahi
tempat yang dulu pernah kau diami
yang sebenarnya kau rindui!

nah, ini selayaknya untukmu, hati.

Friday, November 23, 2012

oh,my flesh and blood!

their blood flowed again.
their flesh torn out more.
believe me, brothers and sisters,
my heart's hurting seeing your adversity.
i wept and may this drop of tears heal you.
but then my heart cured when the picture of paradise prepared for you crossed my mind!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

they are bleeding,
in pain,
running for shelter,
begging for humanity,
defending the innocents,
and yet weep for enormous lost.
however, they are alive,
and always vibrant!
never turn back for their faith is wondrous!
o palestinian brothers and sisters,
do keep going!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


aku sepertinya lupa mujahadah itu manis,
aku sepertinya lupa islam itu indah bangat,
aku sepertinya lupa untuk bertaut hati hanya pada Sang Maha Pencinta,
aku sepertinya lupa syahid itu cita-cita,
aku sepertinya semakin terlupa.
aku sepertinya bingung dalam angan-angan,
aku sepertinya bergelumang dalam kelalaian,
aku sepertinya semakin lemah.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012


i'm searching for the-better-me.
who found her, please do contact me a.s.a.p ok?
-hey, there she is!
 she's here,
 just right here!
 no need to go further neither far away.
 she's beside gratitude,
 next to appreaciating,
 in front of being proactive,
 near to optimistic.
 she's near anyway.

Monday, October 29, 2012


seems like i'm the worst.
those all are my very bad.
perhaps i should reconsider of leaving.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

be realistic please.

stop living in your ideal world.
do perceive the reality,
the deception,
the pain and ordeal.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

human being

Allah rewarded me a lot of nice companions rather than her.
i would not like to share or confess further about that "her".
let just her be,
with her most-always-right disposition for i've attempt the best as a friend,
if she still consider that.
being accepted by that kind of person is not vital in some cases.

p/s : i just can't assure you in becoming a super awesome buddy
       but yet i surely can consider your shortcomings for the sake of ukhuwwah.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

my bad.

one of ikhwah asked me about progress of usrah in MSI.
i knew not how to answer him.
i felt guilty.
it's my effort doesn't enough,
i surely know and realise that.
it's my shortcoming.
ni baru seorang ikhwah,
bila Allah tanya nanti,
how it'l be?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


to hear is to understand.
to understand is to sacrifice.
Allah will pay your sacrifation best,
worry not.


i've already 21 years old.
but yet still fail
to fully submit to The Great Creator,
to hand the fragile heart over The Owner,
to trust only The Almighty,
to rely on The Exalted alone.
o Allah, please do not let me go astray.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

perhaps i was weakened but not broken.
and sometimes down but it's not a giving-up-whitey flag.
and of course the tireness and exhausting that overwhelmed won't stop me.
to convey the divine message is not a burden
but a purpose.
to reveal the truth is not just a responsibity
but a passion and desire should be.
to judge the effort is not me but Him.
to feel that i-am-nothing is not a weakness
but a requirement indeed.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

my Prophet, peace be upon him, you know?

he's moderate and simple.
he put all things at the right places,
just nice,
his deeeds are quranic-guided,
none from his lust neither nonsense desires.
he is a king but never forget to obey his Master first and foremost,
never a snobby,
never undereastimte others.
he is a true messenger but still a loving and fair husband.
he is a just leader but also a caring and understanding father.
he is the best of mankind,
the excellent examplar.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

please laaa...

i am less determined and blur+blank for this semester and i don't know why.
please anis,
don't dissappoint yourself anymore.
please help yourself.


i need
to write on,
to confess to,
to voice out through writing,
and Alhamdulillah i can do these at this moment.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


weakness, lacks, forgetfulness can't be avoided.
no one is perfect anyway.
that's why there's always room for improvement,
for upgrading.
let's improve ourselves consistently!
let's upgrade ourselves continually!
every single moment is countable, watchable
so make them precious and valuable.
and the most important point is make them pleasured and blessed by Allah :) 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


commenting and complaining are easy but to accept them is tough, i know.
but please, when somebody is trying to correct you,
it's mean that she loves you.
i myself felt irritated when someone try to correct me before
but now when i think back i realised that they are the true friends indeed.


Quran, 30:21
"dan di antara tanda-tanda ( kebesaran) Nya ialah Dia menciptakan pasangan-pasangan untukmu dari jenismu sendiri, agar kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya dan Dia menjadikan di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang."

if we're meant together,
there must be a piece of love in me for him, right?
ok,i'm sure there's none.
perhaps for someone else.
i know not unless the one You allowed to, o Allah.
guide me through pleaaaaseeee...

Monday, August 13, 2012

free time?

There’s  no such thing as being bored,
having a lousy mood swing in a musleem life actually.
Free times can be a lurking killer.
It kills you inside,slowly.
As a muslim we must be smart and proactive in managing time.
Make zikir while waiting,
take ablution when laziness haunt on,
establish  a sunat prayer especially dhuha in break period,
read on Quran in the free time,
and many more beneficial things we can fill in our free time.
So,there's no free-time term in a muslim life.
Life is short,
let's make full use of it as Allah servant and His caliph.
May we have no regret in hereafter life and belong to the group He pleasures the most :)
one of my school-mate got married last month,
she's the first one steps in a marriage.
we called her kak long.
she looked so sweet in the only one picture she shared in fb with her husband.

Friday, August 10, 2012

semester demi semester

huh,lama kot x tulis blog, rindu!
sebenanya sebab ak x bleh sign in sebab kesilapan kecil,
terlalu kecil sampai malu ak nk abaq
tp yg pastinya bukan sebab x ingat passswordla...
setiap kali naik sem baru, mesti ada perasaan yg berbeza.
sem 1 seriusly penuh dgn kemalasan,
sem 2 alhamdulillah banyak diperbaiki,
sem ni super-improved kot.hehe.insyaAllah.
i just hope that i can be more determined,
become maturer,
become more calm,
prepare for the worst while trying the best,
be pleased with Allah's fate.
guide me along the way, o Allah.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


is marriage just about menghalalkan yang haram,
a ticket for you to go out for a date
and producing child?
wake up people,
it is more than that!
a marriage of musleem is not a vain relationship,
not a husband-wife's passion just for fun,
not even just a worldly love.
a marriage of Rasulullah's ummah is about thinking for
the partner's sake all the time in a view of a musleem,
trying the best to build up the best ummah ever,
establishing your responsible as a captain of a challenging voyage,
and also as a co-pilot of a long and adventurous journey.
once again, let us together holding hand in building the best ummah ever!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

conveying message

just let me be underground and independent me with the help of those peoples
who are sent to me,
by our own ways insyaAllah.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

As a muslim, what’ve have u done for Islam?
As His slave, what’ve u done for His love?
As Rasulullah’s ummat, what ‘ve u done for him?
As Imam Syafie’s follower, did u really follow his iktikad?
As u admit that devil and his descendants are ur enemy,
what’ve u sacrificed in fighting them all out?
Tepuk dada tanya iman.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


some say one will examples his buddy.
but i disagree this for i believe that we are shaped by
our parents,our siblings.
if parents did appreciate their child and tought him the
meaning of gratittude all the times,
how could he appreciates not and forget to thank the people arround.
if siblings trust in each other,
how could they hesitate to believe in themselves.
if parents shaped their child by the mould of Islam,
how could he forget Allah though time flew and challenges keep on chasing after him.
if one was reminded to hereafter and a life after death since small,
how could he goes against his Only One God.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

ok, ping pong lagi.

It makes me smiled when flashed back bout me and ping pong, 
the pressure, the focusing control, the torturing from seniors, 
their sarcastic jokes and many more.
They did understand my pressure and supported me a lot actually.
We had lost the game but we’ve built  the bridge of ukhuwwah indeed.

Monday, June 25, 2012

it's the battle of heart.
you can love but on the right path,
with the right way,
with pure intention.
you must be prepared always,
but just neglect your bad thoughts.
sorrow may filled you up but it does not mean Allah's torturing you,
He just want you to become nearer to Him!

Quran 2 : 186
Dan apabila hamba2 Ku bertanya kepadamu tentang Aku, maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat. Aku kabulkan doa orang yg berdoa , apabila dia berdoa kepadaKu. Hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (perintah) Ku dan beriman kepada Ku agar mereka memperoleh kebenaran.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

kapten lagi!

camna org bleh perasan ak takut *sikitla* ngan kapten?
bukan takut sebenanya,geram!
ak gelak x bleh,dia ngan yg len gelak takpa ja.
takpa anis,bertahan!
minggu ni ja tinggal utk berhadap ngan dia.
Du kannst es machen,
ich vertraue dich! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ping Pong.

awal2 belajaq dulu mg besh tambah plak bila men ngan kawan2 yg tadak skills pon.
blehla ak bajet poyo+terer ckit.haha.
skang ni bila suma senior sekali ngan kapten turun mai ajaq ak,
gelabah gila kot!
chop pon x lepas lg, kena belajaq counter smash plak.
dh bleh counter smash, dia bagi bola slow plak.
"game nanti x bleh mintak bola laju atau perlahan eh dari lawan",
"skang blehla gelak2 lagi,nanti masa game, sekeliling ni penuh orang",
kata kapten dgn senyuman sindirnya.
gila nervous habaq hang,
nk kontrol bola serius susah,
cam nk kontrol hati yg selalu berbolak - balik ini.  T_T
gila kagum ar dgn depa yg bleh kontrol bola,
selalunya lelaki la.
pesan kapten,
-tutup sikit angle,kalo bukak bola lambung atas.
-tutup sikit lagi angle tuh.
-mesti hayun satu tangan,bukan separuh ja.
-bet mesti atas dari meja.
-jgn lari jauh sangat dari meja,jarak satu bet saja.
-tangan mesti ready sentiasa,jgn letak bawah.
-kepit ketiak dgn satu genggam penumbuk.
-jangan termenung
yg paling x bleh blah,

by Allah's will!

i dun hurt my own feeling easily,man,
for i never fall over a guy easily, by Allah's will!
trusting too much,
deadly hoping,
keep on waiting like a dumb,
became blinded by my own watery dreams,
that will NEVER happen again,

Allah's love!

it's hurting and hard to voice this out.
indeed, a worldly love is really a mistake.
the best is only Allah's love <3
i deadly believe that when a man stared at a woman,
as she is a woman.
not because u are pretty or sweet or gorgeous like a damn or what,
but it's naturally occur.
it's a nature when a man feel attracted to stare or to catch a glimpse
at a woman.
that's why Allah sent down to us this verse as His reminder,
Allah the All-Knowing :)

Quran 24 : 30
Katakanlah kepada lelaki yg beriman, agar mereka menjaga pandangannya,
dan memelihara kemaluannya ; yang demikian itu lebih suci bagi mereka.
Sungguh Allah mengetahui apa yang mereka perbuat.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Arrivals vs The Matrix

In The Arrivals, I reckon it is the series to wake us ( musleems ) up,
revealed about message in The Matrix movie.
I dun get it much actually, both The Arrivals and The Matrix.
But what can I see and understood from them,
how small amount it is to support the truth, the choosens.
No turning back to conquer the victory.
You regret, you'll destroy.
You stop, you'l die.
You fight, means that you are one of the choosens!

p/s : please do correct me if i'm wrong.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nancy Shehata

I read a lot on Nancy Shehata's.
Great to know her though through her writing alone.

My Sisters

There's a sweet feeling possesing me in
to see adik2 usrah circle-ing around readily to start our halaqah,
to witness their excitement when bringing something with,
to share something with them who want it.
It's a great Refreshing our Imaan session,sis :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Respect and obey your parents is islam.
Loving and caring to your siblings and buddies is islam.
Study hard and smart is islam.
Work with passionate and honesty is islam.
Be patient when hearing critisms is islam.
Being nice to neighbours is islam.
Does not take into account for how much peoples hurt you is islam.
Islam is the way of harmonious life,
the solution for our native needs,
fully submission to God which means you are free from anyone,anything!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


i've just lost my uncle,the only brother of mom.
he suffered from brain cancer for less or more than 4 months.
we knew not untill he fainted for the last time on last thursday.
doctor decided to operate his skull.
however,blood flow from his nose before that,
because of high pressure.
still,he had to undergo operation.
after the 7 hours operation, his brain dead.
he's alive with the help of those machine n apparatus.
our family made decision to end everything up.
a few hours after took those machine, apparatus and wires off,
he passed away.
he's nice, soft-hearted, never talked bad behind people.
he worked hard even din get much.
we're close.
it's a big hole in my heart  for his death.
till then,i hope we'll meet up again afterlife, insyaAllah!
from Allah we came,to Him we return.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Klip meja pingpong yg ak baru beli rosak.
Patutkah ak mintak tolong senior2 pingpong yg hensem2?
Mestila x patut!
Baik ak suruh Cik Din technician peberet tolong.
Untung2, helikopter ak dh siap!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


The worldly mind imposed on us that
death takes a wife away from her husband,
death tears wealth apart from is owner,
death grabs one's life.
But a hereafter's lover claims that
it's a path to His paradise,
it's a fulfillness of a promise,
it's an  opened door to Allah!

Quran, 67:2
Yang Menciptakan mati dan hidup, untuk menguji kamu, mana yang lebih baik amalnya.
Dan Dia Maha Perkasa, Maha Pengampun.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

= ='

Mr.Right will come at the right time,
no worries.
Allah will eases the flow.

-Dah dua kali ak mimpi kawen senyap2! Mimpi ak selalu 'ter'realisasi. =.='

Saturday, April 7, 2012


What is life all about?
There are poors n riches,
bads n goods,
worst n best,
ups n downs,
darkness n light.
You could fail in exam,
you might miss the train,
you sometimes forget the priority,
you could change your disposition,
but you can't lose in the battle of heart!

Qur'an, 18:45
Dan buatlah untuk mereka perumpamaan kehidupan dunia ini,
ibarat air yg Kami Turunkan dari langit,
sehingga menyuburkan tumbuh-tumbuhan di bumi,
kemudian tumbuh-tumbuhan itu menjadi kering dan diterbangkan angin.
Dan Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.

Monday, April 2, 2012


i miss the previous me.
it's not dat i dun appreciate my current me.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Silat Cekak

Tonight i'l register for Silat Cekak and it's my pleasure for sure.
I'm a kinda tough person and that's why martial art is a necessary.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


it is a chance to reset everything,
a space to fill with goodness up,
a step to move further,
an oppoturnity to become stronger,
a service to upgrade my faith.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thanking Him

One of my close friend once told me,
"i have no idea what other word more beautiful to be uttered than alhamdulillah (all praises to Allah)!"
 Thanking Him for having great parents,
wonderful siblings,
kind-hearted load of friends,
uncountable knowledge,
tremendous number of senses...

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Quizzes, tests, assigns, reports mmg memenatkan kita,
menstresskan kita, menyerabutkan kita.
Bila dh byk tasks nih,mulala rasa rutin hidup sgtla x sistematik.
Asyik tangguh,tunggu tepat2 kt due date,
barula titik terakhir kt tasks tu terletak.huh,hidup!
Kawan  ak sampai tanya,
"zati,kalo kita byk sgt keja tu maknanya kita byk dosa ka?"
=, =" 
Bukan2,bukan macam tu,syg.eheheh.
Ak x la selembut dan semanis itu :P
Sungguh,walaupun byk kerja memenatkan kita,tp itu tarbiyyah dari Allah,
bukan hukuman dari Allah atas dosa kita.
Allah bagi kita byk kerja supaya kita lebih cekap buat kerja.
Allah bagi kita masalah supaya kita rujuk Dia,dekat dgn Dia.
Allah bagi kita karenah kawan2 yg pelbagai supaya kita mengadu pd Dia.
Najat penah cita, ada sorang sahabat menangis sbb sepanjang hari tu,
dia xdak masalah, maksudnya xdak ujian.
Dia paham yg kalau Allah x uji seseorang tu,maksudnya,
Allah abaikan dia.
Rasulullah pun tenangkanla sahabat tu dgn bagitau yg sekarang ni dia dh menangis,
maknanya Allah dh ingatkan diala.
Subhanallah :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Friends Till Jannah

Friends are like onions, add taste to your life but if u try to cut it,
u get nothing but drop of tears.
True friend is the one who can simply talk with u bout Allah,
bout our native deen,Islam most of times.
Yup,Islam is our lifestyle not just a religion neither a belief.
They correct u when u went wrong,
they guide u when u're going astray,
they remind u of Allah when u almost forget Him,
they dare to touch ur heart even its door seems like shut,
they ask nothing in reply for loving u except Allah's blessing.

p/s: najaaaaat,apa cer kat NZ sana? tenet mandom, x mampu nk bukak fb apatah lg skype :(

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The sweetness in every smiles,
the tranquility while staring at His starry sky,
the happiness in family crowd,
the freely flying flocks of birds,
the miracles in every inches of His creatures,
i wish i could capture all these.
i reckon i'm not being demanding for asking for a DSLR,
from my own allowance.
I'm a camera freak since i was small.
Shahira won't deny this as she still remembers the moment we were on the way
down from Bukit Bendera, i kept asking for her film camera.
"Shra,nk ambik gambaq pokok tu, shra,nk ambik gambaq bunga 2,
shra,nk kamera sat, shra, nk lagiiii...!"
And as a dainty innocent girl she just mumbled silently.
The will(to get a DSLR) got stronger and more determined as one by one of
my friends own one and they're good+cool  in it!
Khadijah's good in capturing food stuff which makes u promptly lick ur lips
in case u see her shot.
Shahira did well in family's shot!
Wani(maktab),i've never seen her pics since we haven't met up for quite long period.
Ipe's a pro in capturing wonderful sceneries as u'll be wishing u're there.
I knew Bos got one but i'm not sure he's focusing on what kinda shot.
BTW, i've to pick one field up.hehe.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dangerous Comfort Zone

i'm sick of surrounded by low-minded people who keep talking bout
silly gossips instead of improvement in themselve,
problem with their buayafriend instead of lovely family they had,
make-up to transform into doll faced instead of covering aurat,
becoming an item instead of marriage,
adored by blokes instead of His true Love,
spreading slanders instead of dakwah,
blaming lecturers for what they didn't get instead of work smarter and harder.
i'm tired enough to adapt with this dangerous comfort zone,
a danger to my faith,
a danger to my remembrance of Allah also the prophet s.a.w,
a danger to my love towards my family,
a danger to my optimistic mind indeed!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious.

By hook or by crook,
Jesus a.s and Imam Mahadi will come to save the world.
But,do u think u can be wif them to strike for ad-deen,Islam, 
fight against dajjal n his numerous followers n load of really-really-real  slanders
provided that ur performance of prays could not even reach 5 times daily,
uttering limited zikrullah per day,
having secularism view towards Islam n being a musleem,
forgetting our very last destination,
hardly reaching for noble Quran n hadiths,
seldom practising Muhammad the Messenger's routines,
and could not obey even ur own parents?
Could u really confirm dat u won't go astray from dis straight
but narrow n full of pains also sacfices path?

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Wie kann ich Ihnen vergessen?
Eigentlich kann ich nicht.
Ich komme zu Ihnen im Zukunft, insyaAllah!

Mak,ayah, berjuta maaf!

 Dengan nama Allah yg Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Ak manusia,mudah lupa,sungguh!
Ak rasa,ak x penah jd anak yg baik,taat pd mak ayah.
Asyik memberontak,melawan.
sapa yg sgt2 risau bila ak sakit w'pun terluka kena pisau walau secoet,
sapa yg sanggup x tidoq malam utk pastikan ak x dgigit nyamuk,
sapa yg sanggup berpanas berpeluh d dapur berjam-jam semata-mata utk kenyangkan perut ak,
kalau bukan mak.
Sapa yg selalu kupaskan kulit buah n suapkan dlm mulut ni,
sapa yg badan semakin kurus,tulang bunyi berdetak-detak, kulit makin gelap
sbb buat kerja keras sejak puluhan tahun dulu utk besaqkan ak,
kalau bukan ayah.
Sapa yg sentiasa bersedia dengaq ak berceloteh, kira butiran air mata ak kalau bukan mak ayah!

Soul Partner

In the Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious.

I'm stronger in surface, not all the through.
I've never been perfect, need to have u.
-Please grant me the exact one at the exact time, o Allah.
I dare not to use try-an-error method since my heart ( i mean, Your given heart in this chest)
is brittle enough.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious.

I reckon i should lessen my dreams.
Dreams bring me nowhere,stuck me in a middle of nothing.
Sometimes dreams tear me apart from Allah, na'uzubillah!
Dreams refrain me from focusing on present things and bit by bit
i'm becoming more irresponsible person by forgetting on-that-time responsible
as i drowned in watery dreams!
May Allah has mercy on me,always.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Muslimah n Engineer

There is a room for women and their very own personality,
room for a woman  who goes to uni n wants to be an engineer n etc. - Nancy Shehata

Subhanallah, i love this quote so much!
This isn't really a quote from Nancy Shehata,but i quoted this from her paragraphs.
It's like i want to voice this out to the whole men in the world
who had jumud thought bout muslimahs n Islam!

Langit Illahi

Every times I look up at the sky,
the arrangement of clouds which differ at each time made me tremendously impressed,
a feeling of great amaze which can simply said Subhanallah!
The combination of old green colour of plenty of plants 
and light ocean blue of sky is such a perfection.
Can u imagine, a mustajab prayer can reaches the sky in a blink of eyes, 
again, Subhanallah!
Have u experienced, saying a prayer while staring at His sky?            
If not, better try this, it’ll makes u feel nearer to Him :)
What a wonderful sensation He’d grants to us!

The quote of Saidina Ali which is, “ Cukuplah apabila aku merasa mulia kerana Allah sebagai Tuhanku dan cukuplah apabila aku  berbangga apabila menjadi hambaMu. Engkau bagiku sebagaimana yang aku cintai, maka berilah aku taufik dan hidayah sebagaimana Engkau cintai,” is soooo true!

Engine Girl

Being an engine girl isn't easy as i thought before
which is just be nice n befriend with the enormous number of boys and u'll be safe,insyaAllah.
 I was quite easy to get along with boys since i was very close to my brothers and
dat's why Otai of Maktab labelled me as his sister,younger sister,sounds more cute. :p
As time flew and i grew bigger and maturer,
it's not the matter of hardship of being nice and friend to them (boys) anymore.
It's all bout our HEART.
Admired by more than a person in one time is an ordinary incident to us or
perhaps accident is more accurate word to replace incident!
It doesn't mean that u're hot or gorgeous or what,
perhaps the limited choices makes u look attractive.hahah!
To act like u're tough and ignorant of those flirts takes times,
craving for ur effort!

O Allah, please hold my heart tightly, near to You,
cover it with Your bulk of loves so that it won't crashed easily by non-related guy,
handle it with Your most true care. Ameen.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

His Promises

There'll be load of challenges dat encountering ur way in becoming da real
musleem,in certain times.
But it worth.,
it is worth to try hard in becoming da true servant of Allah,
da loyal follower of Muhammad s.a.w. da Messenger,
da sister of whole musleems,
da enemy of evils n devils,
because having His words is worth as His Promises are da Most True.

Monday, January 16, 2012


It's worthless to feel offended if people underestimate u as a student of local uni,
it's a waste to feel ungrateful if u're not as pretty as Lisa Surihani,
because Allah looks not ur look neither ur study!
He's looking at ur heart,ur faith,ur TAQWA!


Sampai skang ak x tau,
ak dh redha atau belum sbb x dapat fly Deutschland.
Tiap kali kenal atau tau ttg budak2 study oversea,
akan ada perasaan enggak enak dlm hati.
Xtaula jeles ka cemburu ka dengki ka hasad ka...
Tapi yg pasti,ak terkilan.
Sungguh,A2 ak dh buat sehabis baik.
I just can't put more effort,dat's my very best!
Bukan senang nk cabut impian yg dh tertanam selama setahun lebih.
Sebelum SPM ak x ingin pun fly.
Rasa cam sama ja stdy dlm ka luaq negara.
Kalau dh mmg cemerlang, x perlu pun 4 musim utk buktikan hg cemerlang.
Ak terima tawaran SPC tu sbb abg ke-2 ak la.
Dia kata,dh org bagi peluang,ambikla,terimala.

Ya Allah,redhakanlah dan tenangkanlah hatiku!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ambitions n ambitious

Lately i realised dat i've become less ambitious.
Having an ambition won't ask for a cent from u but ur effort,
ur passion and just ur concentration also focus.
We,as a musleem should have unlimited ambitions as His paradise is
in the hereafter and last forever!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mujahaddah II

Again, about mujahaddah, the spirit!
Spirit of mujahaddah or spirit of jihad, which one is correct?
Now I’m regretting 4 not taking Arabic in secondary school. huh!
Logically, the spirit  should be increases directly proportional to the age of a true musleem.
But I can see dat our spirit of ummah is dying daily!
It seems like we’ve forget da purpose of living,
Our promise to Allah bfore we’re born,
Our responsible to dis ummah,
The sacrifices of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah and his Sahabah
And not forgetting Sallehuddin Al-Ayyubi who fight for our land, 
Palestine and also Sultan Muhammad the Conquerer of Constantinople!
Wake up Anis izzati,
Wake up my brothers and sisters,
Wake up ummah of Muhammad!
Let us follow the path of success!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Mujahaddah from dis unmatured n lack of knowledges girl's view 
means keep on fighting, 
to maintain da best or perhaps to be better.
The fields are always differ in time, venue and condition.
Xtually, i just realised dat my soul of mujhaddah was dying!
But,all praises to Him, it is 'was' :)
He,The Lord, teaches me a lot through Daurah Intensif in Bangi, 
a few days ago.
It is,always, nor a tarbiyyah from ur luvly naqibah neither ur exciting daurah 
except from Him, The Only One!
Keep dat firmly and tightly in ur heart,man!