Tuesday, December 31, 2013


a hawk is such a wonderful creation of Allah.

it is not only a fearful prey who aims accurately and very sharp in vision, not just succeed most of the time in their missions but their love story impressed me much! credit to atun,the story teller.hehe.

a hawk chooses their spouse who can fly as high and as fast as him. he will leave behind the slower one and go ahead with his searching till he finds his most ideal mate.

Qur'an 30:21
And among His signs is that He creates for you spouses out of your own kind, so that you might incline towards them, and
He engenders love and tenderness between you. In this there are clear signs indeed for people who think.

then they'll get married by hooking on each other and spinning together for a moment. they are faithful to each other till the last breath.

but then, we human being who Allah bestowed with mind and heart sometimes failed to honor the value of love as even a hawk, an animal!

melted by beautiful words of a pack of lies and superficial look,
sacrifice own dignity just for a lusty desire,
betray the purity of love.

Qur'an 24:26
Corrupt women are for corrupt men, and corrupt men for corrupt women, just as good women are for good men, and good men for good women. These are innocent of all that people may impute
to them. Forgiveness and excellent sustenance are in store for them.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


kalau nak kahwin sebab ramai kawan2 sebaya dah ramai kahwin, 
lupakan dulu niat tu.

kalau kahwin setakat nak menghalalkan yang haram,
baik fikir sepuluh atau dua puluh kali semula.

kalau kahwin sebab sunyi,
pertimbangkan sekali lagi.

perkahwinan itu gedung pahala tapi penuh dengan ujian.
yalah, kalau tak uji mana nak tau sedalam mana centa, 

sekukuh mana kasih, setinngi mana sayang kan. ecehceh.

dan, bila ujian bertimpa merudum,
berapa ramai dapat bertahan berbanding yang jatuh tersungkur,
berapa ramai yang maintain cooool daripada yang goyah kiri kanan?
*kira sendiri*

bukan nak bajet pandai banyak pengalaman plus matang, 

cuma nak ajak sama2 ramai2 berfikir dan muhasabah.

tepi jalan, semoga Allah redha kepada setiap pengantin baru, lama mahupun bakal:)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

sometimes beginning aren't so simple
sometimes goodbye's the only way.

-Shadow of the Day, LP.

Allahu Robbi.
i did ponder
i did reflect
no answer.

talking about what arr tengah2 malam ni cik anis izzati?
emosi dan hati terganggu,
yang amat.


moments of redemption should it be,

to redeem the grovelling self who is kept haunting,
to redeem the lost goodness that wandered nowhere to,
to redeem the unseen reward which is promised,
to redeem the murmured blatant truth.

is to redeem,
from Him.