Sunday, January 29, 2012


In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious.

I reckon i should lessen my dreams.
Dreams bring me nowhere,stuck me in a middle of nothing.
Sometimes dreams tear me apart from Allah, na'uzubillah!
Dreams refrain me from focusing on present things and bit by bit
i'm becoming more irresponsible person by forgetting on-that-time responsible
as i drowned in watery dreams!
May Allah has mercy on me,always.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Muslimah n Engineer

There is a room for women and their very own personality,
room for a woman  who goes to uni n wants to be an engineer n etc. - Nancy Shehata

Subhanallah, i love this quote so much!
This isn't really a quote from Nancy Shehata,but i quoted this from her paragraphs.
It's like i want to voice this out to the whole men in the world
who had jumud thought bout muslimahs n Islam!

Langit Illahi

Every times I look up at the sky,
the arrangement of clouds which differ at each time made me tremendously impressed,
a feeling of great amaze which can simply said Subhanallah!
The combination of old green colour of plenty of plants 
and light ocean blue of sky is such a perfection.
Can u imagine, a mustajab prayer can reaches the sky in a blink of eyes, 
again, Subhanallah!
Have u experienced, saying a prayer while staring at His sky?            
If not, better try this, it’ll makes u feel nearer to Him :)
What a wonderful sensation He’d grants to us!

The quote of Saidina Ali which is, “ Cukuplah apabila aku merasa mulia kerana Allah sebagai Tuhanku dan cukuplah apabila aku  berbangga apabila menjadi hambaMu. Engkau bagiku sebagaimana yang aku cintai, maka berilah aku taufik dan hidayah sebagaimana Engkau cintai,” is soooo true!

Engine Girl

Being an engine girl isn't easy as i thought before
which is just be nice n befriend with the enormous number of boys and u'll be safe,insyaAllah.
 I was quite easy to get along with boys since i was very close to my brothers and
dat's why Otai of Maktab labelled me as his sister,younger sister,sounds more cute. :p
As time flew and i grew bigger and maturer,
it's not the matter of hardship of being nice and friend to them (boys) anymore.
It's all bout our HEART.
Admired by more than a person in one time is an ordinary incident to us or
perhaps accident is more accurate word to replace incident!
It doesn't mean that u're hot or gorgeous or what,
perhaps the limited choices makes u look attractive.hahah!
To act like u're tough and ignorant of those flirts takes times,
craving for ur effort!

O Allah, please hold my heart tightly, near to You,
cover it with Your bulk of loves so that it won't crashed easily by non-related guy,
handle it with Your most true care. Ameen.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

His Promises

There'll be load of challenges dat encountering ur way in becoming da real
musleem,in certain times.
But it worth.,
it is worth to try hard in becoming da true servant of Allah,
da loyal follower of Muhammad s.a.w. da Messenger,
da sister of whole musleems,
da enemy of evils n devils,
because having His words is worth as His Promises are da Most True.

Monday, January 16, 2012


It's worthless to feel offended if people underestimate u as a student of local uni,
it's a waste to feel ungrateful if u're not as pretty as Lisa Surihani,
because Allah looks not ur look neither ur study!
He's looking at ur heart,ur faith,ur TAQWA!


Sampai skang ak x tau,
ak dh redha atau belum sbb x dapat fly Deutschland.
Tiap kali kenal atau tau ttg budak2 study oversea,
akan ada perasaan enggak enak dlm hati.
Xtaula jeles ka cemburu ka dengki ka hasad ka...
Tapi yg pasti,ak terkilan.
Sungguh,A2 ak dh buat sehabis baik.
I just can't put more effort,dat's my very best!
Bukan senang nk cabut impian yg dh tertanam selama setahun lebih.
Sebelum SPM ak x ingin pun fly.
Rasa cam sama ja stdy dlm ka luaq negara.
Kalau dh mmg cemerlang, x perlu pun 4 musim utk buktikan hg cemerlang.
Ak terima tawaran SPC tu sbb abg ke-2 ak la.
Dia kata,dh org bagi peluang,ambikla,terimala.

Ya Allah,redhakanlah dan tenangkanlah hatiku!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ambitions n ambitious

Lately i realised dat i've become less ambitious.
Having an ambition won't ask for a cent from u but ur effort,
ur passion and just ur concentration also focus.
We,as a musleem should have unlimited ambitions as His paradise is
in the hereafter and last forever!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Mujahaddah II

Again, about mujahaddah, the spirit!
Spirit of mujahaddah or spirit of jihad, which one is correct?
Now I’m regretting 4 not taking Arabic in secondary school. huh!
Logically, the spirit  should be increases directly proportional to the age of a true musleem.
But I can see dat our spirit of ummah is dying daily!
It seems like we’ve forget da purpose of living,
Our promise to Allah bfore we’re born,
Our responsible to dis ummah,
The sacrifices of Muhammad the Messenger of Allah and his Sahabah
And not forgetting Sallehuddin Al-Ayyubi who fight for our land, 
Palestine and also Sultan Muhammad the Conquerer of Constantinople!
Wake up Anis izzati,
Wake up my brothers and sisters,
Wake up ummah of Muhammad!
Let us follow the path of success!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Mujahaddah from dis unmatured n lack of knowledges girl's view 
means keep on fighting, 
to maintain da best or perhaps to be better.
The fields are always differ in time, venue and condition.
Xtually, i just realised dat my soul of mujhaddah was dying!
But,all praises to Him, it is 'was' :)
He,The Lord, teaches me a lot through Daurah Intensif in Bangi, 
a few days ago.
It is,always, nor a tarbiyyah from ur luvly naqibah neither ur exciting daurah 
except from Him, The Only One!
Keep dat firmly and tightly in ur heart,man!