X puaih ati sungguh x dpt full mark utk test 2 n quiz 3 Mechanics.
Benda senang,patut dpt penuh lah!
Tp sebenanya baru 2.25% / 45% yg hilang tu.
Permudahkanlah ak utk cemerlang ya Allah :)
Rindu org jermen...uhuuuii!
Senior yg ajaq ak ping pong muka n stail cam Zahe.
Tp Shah budak Manu x sama pun ngan Syah tp sbb nama
kot,ak ingat kat Syah.
Kak usrah ak skang comei cam Ain tp x segelong Ainla.hahah!
Pain n CY Young lg haaaa...
Kak Sai yg xcited bila jumpa kami budak GAPP
Wani dgn pokok kelapa diala
Bos yg gila sporting
Ipe yg baik
Idil yg dok pot pet cara nk survive kt sana
Haziq Guzali yg gedik
Syakiq rival n Alan Besaq!
Are my deeds for this while accepted?
Am i improving or becoming worser?
Does my love to Allah and His passenger increasing?
Is my faith strong enough?